These FAQs are designed to provide a better understanding of Theme features and functionality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ac mi felis. Suspendisse auctor mauris sit amet lorem mollis vitae ultrices nulla mollis. Vivamus ac urna et odio iaculis mattis ut et ante. Donec tristique urna ac leo sagittis non commodo arcu iaculis. Nunc fermentum nunc et tellus commodo ultrices. Vestibulum sollicitudin mollis bibendum. Nam dolor mi, vehicula vitae consectetur ut, sagittis quis diam. Phasellus malesuada posuere ipsum, id condimentum nunc placerat nec. Maecenas auctor tempor blandit. Quisque at mi nunc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ac mi felis. Suspendisse auctor mauris sit amet lorem mollis vitae ultrices nulla mollis.

FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Page builder

It has included more than 20 page element and you can create wordpress pages easier than before. If you have any questions feel free contact us!

Why you choose this theme?

Now in themeforest market every theme has got Content builder. Content builder is only building content. We provide you Page builder. Purchase this theme and feel the power of this theme.

Give me some detail for Page Builder?

Most of our customers are web developers, designers and some of are the only who knew the wordpress little bit. But all of those people are want to build easier and fast building websites and that works fast and clean. Our Themeton Page Builder will helps you build exactly what you want to build your dream. We hope it will be fun for building and easier than before.

How many fonts included this theme ?

Google Webfonts are important in nowadays, Because there are lot's fonts are free to building web and our theme has integrated 600+ Google webfonts. You can watch the Live action with all that fonts with Theme Option Panel.

How easier to use theme?

Our team has discussed whole options and asked each others how page builder like? and what this can do? Finally we decided including lot's of UX / UI elements and that must be easy to use and clean fast + responsive. Also we provided each step of our elements must have documentation and Video tutorials. Now you just need to purchase and build your own Awesome Site. No Pain = No Gain :)

What about the Premium Sliders?

We are included the most wanted two plugin from Codecanyon for our theme. Each sliders value is 10$ and 15$ Both 25$ that's the really big deal for those two included our theme. We are always update this two theme time by time.

Is this supports MultiSite Wordpress?

All of our themes are totally support MultiSite and that online version is located in multisite too :)

Is this theme Translate able?

Yeah, Of course it's fully translate able. Our Language files are included and you need to translate it on your own and set the Language in wp-config.php wp-lang section. Note: Language names must be standart like wordpress Example: Germany DE-de, Italy IT-it etc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ac mi felis. Suspendisse auctor mauris sit amet lorem mollis vitae ultrices nulla mollis. Vivamus ac urna et odio iaculis mattis ut et ante. Donec tristique urna ac leo sagittis non commodo arcu iaculis.

Nunc fermentum nunc et tellus commodo ultrices. Vestibulum sollicitudin mollis bibendum. Nam dolor mi, vehicula vitae consectetur ut, sagittis quis diam.

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